Submit To Fetish Guide

The Fetish Guide lists only quality sites. We do not care if they are Latex paysites, Bondage TGPs, kinky freesites, rough sex tubes or fetish library sites. But they must be good quality. They must offer a positive user experience. And of course they must be relevant to the category they are listed in.

We do require a backlink to get listed. A-B-C links are considered. The quality of the listing in The Fetish Guide depends on the quality of the backlink and quality of the fetish site submitted.

We accept freesites, galleries, paysites, tubes & TGPs, blogs and much more! Keep it high quality and kinky!

Backlinks to The Fetish Guide:

The Fetish Guide: <a href=””><h2>The Fetish Guide</h2></a><br>

The Fetish Guide: <a href=””><b>The Fetish Guide</b><br>Latex – Bondage – Kink</a>

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